Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who's to blame? God, Adam, Eve, or the Snake

In Genesis 1 of the Old Testament from the bible, it starts off by saying; "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." And goes on to say how God created everything, and with each new day, more was being added. God then created man and woman, and God put them to a test. He warned Adam and Eve to not eat out of the apple tree, but they did anyway. And because of that, they were sentenced out of the Garden of Eden. And who's to blame? I think  God is to blame that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. If God can control everything with just the snap of his fingers, why couldn't he just make the evil apple tree disappear, or why was there an evil snake to begin with? God knew that Adam and Eve would eat out of the tree, so why did he put it there in the first place? God's test to see if Adam and Eve were faithful to him was pointless. Adam and Eve wouldn't have been kicked out if God, the creator of everything, hadn't made this tempting tree in the first place. All would be well if God just said so. After all, he's God.

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